Aronson, C., Scènes et visages de Montparnasse. Paris: National Press, 1963, pp. 425-429.
Chevrefils Desbiolles, Y. Waldemar-George, Critique d’Art. Cinq articles pour un siècle paradoxal. Essai et anthologie. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016.
De Litzin, E., La Peinture actuelle en France. Helsinki: Sanoma Oy, 1947.
Diament, N and Igra, C. Goldberg, J.D. Kirszenbaum (1900-1954): The Lost Generation —A Journey from Staszow to Paris via Weimar, Berlin and Rio de Janeiro. Somogy-Editions d'Art, Paris, 2013.
Diament, N., Introduction. A Personal Path. in J.D.Kirszenbaum (1900-1954): The Lost Generation, 2013: 21-32.
Igra, C.G., Kirszenbaum Artistic Journey. in J.D.Kirszenbaum (1900-1954): The Lost Generation, 2013: 35-125.
Kirszenbaum, J.D., Childhood and Youth in Staszów. in J.D.Kirszenbaum (1900-1954): The Lost Generation, 2013: 128-170.
Digne, J., Artistes d’Europe, Montparnasse Déporté. Paris: Musée du Montparnasse, 2005, pp. 66, 187-189.
Fenster, H., Nos artistes martyrs. Paris, 1951.
Goudz, I., “Herwarth Walden und die jüdischen Künstler der Avantgarde,” in Der Sturm-Zentrum der Avantgarde, Band II: Aufsatze. Exh. cat., Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal, Germany, 2012: pp. 515-540.
Hagen, F., J.D. Kirszenbaum. Paris: Galerie Karl Flinker, 1961.
Hendriks, B.S., Ronald Lindgreen 1916-1999-Kunst om te Bevrijden en te Bezielen. Exh. cat., Pulchri Studio Den Haag, 2009.
Igra, C. Goldberg, The Restoration of Loss: J.D. Kirszenbaum’s exploration of personal displacement. Ars Judaica10, 2014: pp.6, 69-92.
Keller, R., The Jews: A Treasury of Art and Literature. New York: Hugh Lavter, 1992, pp. 318.
Kirszenbaum, J.D., Childhood and Youth in Staszów. Original Yiddish was translated into Hebrew by M. Chalamish and appeared in the Hebrew journal Al Ha-Mishmar in September 2-9, 1955; reprinted in Sefer Staszów (The Staszów Book), ed. Elhanan Ehrlich, published by the Organization of Staszowites in Israel, Achdut: Tel Aviv, 1962. Translated from Hebrew into English by Dr. Leonard Levin with the assistance of Dr. Dobrochna Dyrcz-Freeman.
Linsler, J., Jesekiel David Kirszenbaum entre aspiration révolutionnaire et mémoire du Shtetl. in L’irréparable. Itinéraire d’artistes et d’amateurs d’art juifs réfugies du” Troisieme Reich” en France, 1933-1945. Koordinierungsstelle Magdeburg , 2013, pp.265-314.
Nieszawer, N., Peintres Juifs à Paris, 1905-1939. Paris. Ed. Denoël, 2000, pp. 66, 179-180.
Roth, C., Jewish Art. Israel: Masada Press, 1971, pp. 251-252.
Regenbogen, L., Dictionary of Jewish painters. Bucarest: Ed.Tehnica, 2004, pp. 237-238.
Silver, K.D. and Golan, R., The Circle of Montparnasse: Jewish Artists in Paris 1905-1945. Exh. cat., The Jewish Museum, Universe Books, New York, 1985.
Waldemar, G., The School of Paris. in C. Roth, Jewish Art, McGraw Hill, 1961, pp. 639-718.
Wierzbicka, A., École de Paris. Warsaw: History Museum Lodz, 2004, pp. 94.
Wigodek, G., Everyman Judaica. Jerusalem: Keter publications, 1975, pp. 1054.
Articles in press and museum catalogues
Citroen, Paul: "Museum die Fundation" Zwolle, Holland, 2009.
Ronald Lindgreen exhibition's catalogues: "Pulchri Studio" Den Haag, Holland, 2009.
"Mishkan Museum" of Ein Harod exhibition catalogue, 2013.
Noce, Vincent, "La résurrection de J.D. Kirszenbaum" in Libération, 2013.
"Museum of Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot exhibition catalogue, 2015.
"Jewish Artists of the School of Paris", 2015.
George, Waldemar, "critique d'art" in Essai et anthologie, 2016.
Vits, Juergen, "Entdeckte Spuren von Flandern nach Tel Aviv" in Gegen Vergessen – Für Demokratie | Nr. 89 / Juni 2016.
Mimara Museum exhibition catalogue, 2018.
Post, Bernhard. “Jecheskiel David Kirschenbaum: Caricatures by a Bauhaus Artist on the Weimar Republic” Volkshochschule, Weimar, 2021.
"Kirszenbaum caricatures." Willy Brandt Center. Jerusalem. Exhibition 2022.